Sizes 110 to 280

Nominal pressure 350 bar (5100 psi)

Maximum pressure 420 bar (6100 psi)

Open circuit

               A11VLO Series Hydraulic Axial Piston Variable Pump


1. Variable pump with axial piston rotary group in swashplate design for hydrostatic drives in open circuit.

2. For use preferably in mobile applications

3.  Flow is proportional to the drive speed and displacement.

4. The fl ow can be infi nitely varied by adjusting the swashplate angle.

5. The pump can work either self-priming or with a charge pump.

6. Special control devices program for mobile applications, with diff erent control and regulation functions.

7. Compact design

8. High effi ciency

9. High power density

10. Low noise level




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